segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

My parents' teenage years - Rafael Barros N°26

I’m Rafael and I’m going to talk about my parents.
My mother is 42 years old.
In her free time she met with her friends. Her favorite program was Sítio do Pica-Pau-Amarelo. My mother liked to play volleyball and she played soccer with her brothers. She didn’t travel.
My mother liked a famous band, The Beatles. Her like to wear a T-shirt and a pants, she watched a comedy movies. She liked John Travolta

My father is 44 years old.
In his free time he played sports with his friends. He has a black and white TV and liked to watch Sítio do Pica-Pau-Amarelo too.
My father loved volleyball, and didn’t like to play soccer, his favorite band was The Beatles, Paralamas do Sucesso and Queen. He liked to wear T-shirt and jeans.
He traveled a lot and her favorite actor was Harrison Ford, he was the Indiana Jones. He watched a actions and adventures movies.

Rafael Barros N°26 7°G

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