segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

my parents teenage years - Pedro toledo N°25

I’m going to talk about my parents.
My father is 44 years old. In his free time he runs a lot. He had a TV and his favorite programs was sports programs. My father played volleyball and soccer.
In his free time he went to club, he didn’t travel. He liked ULTRAJE A RIGOR and RAUL SEIXAS they were a band, a very good band. He weared blue jeans and a t-shirt
My mother is 44 years old. In her free time she runs too. She watched TV and her favorite program is SITIO DO PICA-PAU- AMARELO. She played handball, on her weekend she traveled to the beach.
She listened PARALAMAS DO SUCESSO. She usually weared blue jeans too and t-shirt. She watched romantic films. She liked JOHN TRAVOLTA .


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