segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

My Parents' Teenage Years - Rebecca Petrone nº28 7ºanoG

Hi, I’m Rebecca and I will tell about my parents teenage years.

Since they were born, a lot of things changed in the world, here in Brazil, they was on 70’s when my parents were teens, they lived on the “Golden Years” . The rock music was on top 10 in all radios around the world, and new bands were created.

My dad said that was really good live in these years, because in Brazil was having the military dictatorship, and all the young people were having fun and fought to freedom of expression.
In their free time, my mom told me that she would dance in the Disco Club, but in the school has the Homecoming every end of year, and the “couples” danced together. She told that probably, met my father before her 24 years, but if this happened she didn’t sure.

Only my dad had TV, but with streets plays, he and my uncle Silvio, hadn’t time to watch. They spent a lot of time playing with their friends.
My mother said that always wished a TV but after she think how she and my aunt would had time to watch if they like play on the streets with “Amarelinha”, “Taco”, “Bolinha de Gude” and others plays that my father play too.
Even without TV, they watched movies and soap opera on their friends house. My mother like really much Richard Geer, and my father love Olivia Newton-John, the both watch John Travolta’s films.

They listened MPB, Bossa Nova, Roberto Carlos, Erasmo Carlos, Rita Lee and etc.
Well this is it, my parents teenage years.



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