segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

My Parents' Teenage Years - Gabriel Paiva n°13

My Parents’ teenage years
In my parents’ teenage years they used to play a lot of games on the streets. My father (Ronaldo) played soccer, button soccer. My mother (Yara) played “Amarelinha”, my mother used to play soccer with her friends too, she was the goalkeeper. My dad was the goalkeeper too. They used to wear normal clothes, my dad didn’t have too much money so every weekend he wore the same clothes but in normal days he wore school clothes. My mom, in normal days wore school clothes too, but on the weekend she went to the restaurants very well-dressed to find a boyfriend. They liked going to school, but my dad started to work at sixteen, but after he made a college and now, with fifty years old, he loves being a project manager, his job. My mother now, with fifty one years old, works at the mayor’s office, she is a lawyer. Now, they listen to Blues Brothers, Queen, Aerosmith, Supertramp, Pink Floyd, and U2.

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