segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

My Parents' Teenage Years- Ana Beatriz nº1

My parents' teenage years
Monday, October 17th, 2011

Hi! My name is Ana Beatriz and I’m 12 years old, and now I will talk about my parents’ teenage years.
Now, my mom Claudia is 42 years old. And my daddy Mauro is 43 years old. And in their teenage years many things were different.
In my mother’s free time she did Olympic Gymnastics and she met her friends, she loved this. The times were different, but they had televisions, my mom liked a lot “Sitio do Picapau Amarelo”, she usually watched this. My mom did Olympic Gym and played Volleyball for a long, long time. On the weekend she liked to go to the club, and went to a beach near her city, called Salinas. My mom liked to listen U2 and she usually wore a T-Shirt and a shorts or a skirt, like today. She liked to watch movies like Grease and she loved John Travolta. She always went to school by car, and she had a dog called Kika.
In my dad’s free time, usually he played soccer and he went to the beach with his friends. There weren’t many channels in TV, so he watched cartoons and films in “Rede Globo”. He was very sporting, he played soccer, basketball, volleyball and ping pong. On the weekend he went to the club or traveled to Mosqueiro. He listened to Brazilian bands like “Legião Urbana” and “Ultraje a Rigor”. He usually wore a T-shirt and shorts. His favorite films were Ben Hur and Elcid, and he thought Richard Burton was a good actor. He went to school by a different form: by bike! When he was a teenager he had a lot of animals like cats, dogs, birds, monkeys and others exotic animals. His favorite drinks were “acerola” juice and mango juice very common in his city.
Ana Beatriz nº1 7ºG

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