sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011

My parents' teenager years

My father is 49 years old.
In their free time my father liked play soccer and rest.
My dad likes music rock(jump, Van halen
and Eye of the tiger of surviver).My father watch chaves,pica-pau and
fox..My father pratice very sports(soccer, handball).
My father in the wekend go on the club.Sylvester Stallone is actor
favorite of my father.My father
usally wear t-shirt ,jeans and cap.
My father likes play tennis and went the club

Victor casimiro gonçalves31

segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

My parents' teenage years 7g-Letícia Sesoko N°19

Marilza is 49 years old
In your teenage old she loved played with your brothers and your sister. And sometimes she wacthed the movie in the cinema.
your favorites movies is Star Wars and ET.

And in the movies she loved and love this actors:
Rishard Gere , Robert Ford , Pau Newman , Harrison Ford, John Travolta and Sean Connerry.
In your teenage old she played table tennis , volleyball and handball.
She usually wore T-shirts, dresses , shorts, shoes and sandals.
She listened The Beatles, beegees, Barbara Streisard, Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil and Elis Regina.

She was going to the park and zoo.

Letícia Sesoko Serafim N°19 7°G

vinicius 33- my parents teenage years

The teenager years of my mother

My mom is named Eloisa and has 32 ​​years of age, she drop animals, music, movies, romance, and volleyball in his free time talking with her friends and watching TV, listening to music of singers like u2. Wears jeans and t-shirt, Likes drawings as Dragon Knight, a woodpecker yellow cat named cindy

My parents' teenage years Eduardo n 6 7g

Hi my name is Eduardo I GOING talk about my father José Eduardo Marmo.He is 45 years old.
The favorite food of my father was soap , he put pasta of the alphabet , oliver and cheese in your soap.
In your free time plays the Atari , play Football of the bottom play soccer, Basketball, Volleyball with your friends and he swam in days very much hot.
He favorite band IS The Beatles , Led Zeppelin , AC/DC and Queen , the favorite songs is IMAGINE of The Beatles , Healp and The We Are The Champions.
The favorite program of my father is watch the football twisted to Palmeiras Football Club and the favorite film is The Power full Boss , The Shark and KING KONG.
In the weekends he went to very much stores , He dinner in restaurants , when reached in your house played with your friends.
Eduardo n°06 7g

My parent's teenage years - Enzo n°7

My mother’s 42 years old, and my father 49. My mother is marry with my father, they’re very happy. But on tennager years she is not marry, and she’s love watch TV, go to party with her friends, to theater, or travel. My father on tennager years like watch TV (too), go to party, theater, travel, shows…

My father and my mother do sports, on tennager years and now,too. They’re like did tennis, volleyball, running, baseball, swim, and soccer. They like, too, travel with friends or alone, on weekend.
They love’s Pop, electronic, jazz and classic. And they wears style and normal clothes, because my mother was job on fashion.
They likes watch action, adventure , romance movies. And their favorite activity on free time is meet with their friends.

My parents´teenage years-Carolina Levy N-4

Hello my name is Carolina and now I go write about the teenage years of my parents.
At the 80’s years when my dad Francisco was 14 years they didn’t have a good television, a good radio, a good telephone and a good videogame.
But at the 80’s years my mom, Cristiane, was 10 years she saw , at TV, Hawaii five-0 and listened pop and rock music but she didn’t was a computer or a Nintendo DS or a Wii.
My father listened to U2, Iron Maiden and Pink Floyd. My mother listened to Elthon Jhon ,The Beatles and Abba.
To have fun, they went to the Disco, played Atari® and Telejogo® went to Parks, rode a Bike, skateboarding and played football.
In the weekends my parents traveled, my father went to Guaruja beach and my mother went to Guaica beach.
Every Sunday my parents had lunch with all the family.But when my mother had 17 years her father dead and she was very sad but her mother married again and back to the rotine.

My parents' teenage years victor garcia n 32

My parents´ teenage years

I´m VICTOR I will tell you my parent life.

My father is 46 years old.In their free time , my father wached Tv.On Tv my father wached heman , batman etc.The sports that my father liked is swam.
His favorite music was classic music.My father wore jeans and t shirts.My father liked what suspense and action movies. My father liked queen.Her favorite color is blue.At the weekends they liked to ran to Ubatuba.

My parent's teenage years-Fernando T Leça n 12

My mother Carla is 45 years old. My mother walk and watch tv in free time.My mother watch romantic movies. My mother didn’t play sports.She listened the group ABBA.My mother wore skirt and shirt.She liked Francisco Coco.My mother studied public schools but your favorite subjects the biology.
My father Ricardo he is 47 years old.He played ball in the street and watched TV .He watched movies on TV.He always went to go the beach in the weekend.he listened the beatles. He wore jeans and shirt.He liked brook shields.He studied in public schools.He liked the subjects science art and music.
Fernando n-12 7G

my parents' teenage years- 7g Lucas Sozzi N°20

Ida is 46 years old

In your teenage years she ran in the park with your friends and your boyfriend !!!
In season she loved action and romantic movies. Your favorite actors is Jon Hanks and Mel Gibson. And liked saw news in the TV.

She went in the weekend to Atibaia and relax in your house , listened country and brasilian music . When she walk in the street and use jeans and T-shirt. In house of your parents loved ate fresh fries and wacthed Ton and Jerry.

Bye, Lucas Sozzi N °20 7°G

José Maurício have 47 years old
He rode motorcycle and ran. He loved to go to Atibaia to see my mom!!! S2
He loved watched movies the action and police, you’re favorites actors is Harrison Ford, Jon Hanks and John Travolta. Your favorite program is Tom and Jerry, Mickey and Scooby doo.
You’re favorites band is Beatles , Queen and U2.
When he walking in the street he use pants or shorts or jeans and the normal T- shirt.
He loved ate fresh-fries, rice and bean.

Lucas Sozzi de Jesus N°20 7°G

My parents' teenage years - Giulio nº17

Hi, my name is Giulio and I going talk about my parents: Elisa and João. My mother is 46 years old. My mother liked Rock’n’roll and Pop music. She watched movies and TV Series. My mother liked handball and gymnastics. She went to shoppings, stores, houses of friends and to the beach. My mother liked adventures movies. She liked,U2, Led Zepplin, Yes, Guns’n’Roses and Queen.

My Father is 45 years old, he liked Rock’n’roll and Punk Rock. He watched movies, sports and TV Series. My dad liked Soccer and Rugby. He went to shopping sometimes, stores and to the beach but he always went fishing. João liked horror, adventures and atletic movies. He liked U2, Led Zepplin,Yes, Guns’n’Roses, Green day, Linkin Park and Queen. Giulio Tambelli Lourenço nº17 7ºG

My parents teenage years-Bruna Marques N°3

30 years ago , at our’s mother’s and dad’s time , they didn’t listen the musics we listen today
They listend musics from Madonna in her start in the music world , U2 , theBeatles, Iron Maidan , Pink Floyd ,Legião Urbana, Paralamas do Sucesso , Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Guns and Roses , Bee Gees and a lot of other bands who make they dance at the discos and the show’s.
The 80’s they eat at the ‘Sujinho hamburger’s , hot dogs hamburgers milkshakes and ice cream for the desert .
To have fun they went to Rock shows and Discos, they dance and jump and went to Roller Skating .
The relationship was very difficult. The boy need to enter in the house to call the girl to go to the movies or another thing allredy. The girl need to be “in the line” and be carefull with the boy.
So that’s it! What about your parent’s what they do in their teenage years?
Answerd at the comments ! See you in the next posts

My parent's teenage years Fernanda Naomi n10

My mother is 41 years old. Now I will tell a little about her youth.
At school her favorite subject was the class she had mats. After lesson she would talk and play with her friends in the street or make up homework. She also liked to sometimes go to the cinema.
She loved sports practiced in the club were swim and basketball.

The clothes usual my mom was a short and dress, because she lived in was very


My father is 46 years old .At school his favorite subject was portuguese. After school he had his spare time was play with cousin and watch TV.
He loved playing sports and like soccer and swim.The clothing was short and t shirt y mom was a short and dress, because she lived in was very hot.

My parents’ teenage years.

Hello, my name is Giovanni and I going to talk about my parents’ teenage years.
My mother is 41 years old and her name is Carla. In her free time she stayed with her family. She had a Tv and she liked to watch the news.She didn’t play sports and on the weekend he didn’t travel, he went to the shopping mall. She liked to listen to pop and rock music.She usually wore jeans and T-shirts. She liked to watch adventure and romance movies. She’s favorite actor was John Travolta and Robert De Niro. She loved to eat rice, beans, beef and french fries. She’s favorite color is purple and she’s favorite animal is dog.

My father is 44 years old and his name is Jorge. In his free time he stayed with his family. He had a Tv and he liked to watch sports and the news. He didn’t play sports, but he likes judo. He usually traveled to some places in Brazil. He liked to listen to rock and pop music. He wore shirts and pants.

Giovanni Benuthe

Hello, my name is Giuliano and I going to talk about my parents’ teenage years.
My mother is 43 years old and her name is Valéria. In her free time she went to restaurants. She had a TV and she liked to watch the news. She didn’t play sports. Sometimes she traveled to a city near from São Paulo.She liked to listen all kind of music. She usually wore pants and dresses.She liked to watch to comedy and romance movies.
My father is 46 years old and his name is Oriovaldo. He played tennis. He traveled to Campos do Jordão. He liked to listen to rock music. He usually wore jeans pants and T-shirts. He liked to watch comedy movies and he’s from Campinas.


My parent's teenage years - Felipe nº8

My mother 40 years old, and my father have 42 actually.
My Father likes eletro music, he likes ride a bike, he favorite food is pancake, but he don’t like lettuce, and he likes practice football with me. He’s happy, is my ‘brother’, tall, he favorite band is the U2(In the picture) and Beatles. He likes comedy movies, and action movies and dance clubs, but he don’t like valsa and classic music, and he likes the game of Einstein.

My mother is good, tall, and fine, but she don’t like your body. She’s loves salad, and she loves me, but she don’t like my father, my mother is divorcied my father anymore, she enjoyed 80’s of lot.

My parents’ tennange years-Rennan Nº30

Hi! My name is Rennan and I’m going to talk about my parents tennange years.
My mother is 44 and my father too.
In the free time my mom played with ball and with her sisters. My father in the free time played football, volleyball and flew a kite on the street.
My father’s favourites programs were S.W.A.T, The Bionic Man and Dallas and my mother liked to watch Chips.
My mom played handball on school but my father played volleyball, football and judo.
On the weekend my mother stayed at home playing with her siblings and cousins and sometimes my father went to his dad farm, in Ibuguaçu on the weekend.
My mother liked to listen AHA and my father liked to listen U2
My mother usually wear t-shirt and jeans my father too.
My father liked schwarzenegger, but my mother didn’t like any actors.

My parents' teenage years.- Daniela n°05

Hi my name is Daniela and going talk about my mother Rosemeire.
My mother is 43 years old.When they were teenager in your free time she ride a horse our swimming in the river.
In your house had a TV, but she didn’t watched every day.How often she watched a ‘Super Woman’ she liked.
My mom listened every day John Lennon, he is your favorite singer.Every day she read a romance book and she liked a help with your father in your job.
The weekend she didn’t travel, how often she watched a comedy or romance film with my dad .The weekend she went to your gramonther and ate pasta or she went to house with my dad,and she ate a hot dog in the weekend.
Pasta and hot dog are your favorite food. In the morning she take a shower and went to school.In the evening she went to your house and went to ride a horse or played football with your brothers she have a four brother:Rosangela,Marcelo and Kadu.
Volley it’s your favorite sport she played in the evening after the your homework
In your house did’nt have a radio or telephone but she had a Tv black and white.

my parents teenage years - Pedro toledo N°25

I’m going to talk about my parents.
My father is 44 years old. In his free time he runs a lot. He had a TV and his favorite programs was sports programs. My father played volleyball and soccer.
In his free time he went to club, he didn’t travel. He liked ULTRAJE A RIGOR and RAUL SEIXAS they were a band, a very good band. He weared blue jeans and a t-shirt
My mother is 44 years old. In her free time she runs too. She watched TV and her favorite program is SITIO DO PICA-PAU- AMARELO. She played handball, on her weekend she traveled to the beach.
She listened PARALAMAS DO SUCESSO. She usually weared blue jeans too and t-shirt. She watched romantic films. She liked JOHN TRAVOLTA .


My parents’ teenage years - Pedro Galeti 24

My parents’ teenage years
Hi, my name is Pedro, my mom born in 70s and my dad born in 50s, they didn’t like same things because my dad is 54 and my mom is 37.
My father like rock very much in his teenage years, he played guitar with his friends and went to cinema. He didn’t watch TV because he didn’t like.
My mom liked went to ice-cream store with her friends in her free time very much and she liked MPB too. She didn’t had much free time because she had cook in her house.

My Parents' Teenage Years -Giovanna n°14

My Parents’ Teenage Years
My mother Alcyone was a happy kid who played in the streets with her friends. She loved to play action games like handball. She was a good player. She played volleyball too. In her free time she loved get out with her friends to went to the cinema or to a restaurant. She usually wear T-shirts, skirt ,blouses and she loved use jeans. She listened to U2 and MPB .She had a dog called Lordy. Now my mother is 49 years old and she still being happy, but now she works in a bank and she travel all the time.
My dad Jose Antonio was a happy kid too. She loved to play football matches with his friends. He usually wear shorts, T-shirts and etc. Now he is a dentist and he works with white clothes. In his free time, he liked to go out with his friends and go in their houses. Now he listen to U2 and Aerosmith.

My parents´ teenage years -Victor n°31

My father is 49 years old.
In their free time my father liked play soccer and rest.
My dad likes music rock(jump, Van halen and Eye of the tiger of surviver).My father watch chaves,pica-pau and fox..My father pratice very sports(soccer, handball).
My father in the wekend go on the club.Sylvester Stallone is actor favorite of my father.My father usally wear t-shirt ,jeans and cap.
Victor N°31 7g

My parent's teenage years Felipe Restituti n9

My mother is 44 years old. She loved to play volleyball in the school, after school she always went to a restaurant to eat with her friends.
In her house she use to watch TV and play with her dolls, but sometimes she played with her sister.
In all weekends she went to her farm to have fun and take care of the animals.
Her favorite actor was Elvis Presley She loved him. She used to wear dresses. Her favorite animal was a dolphin. She loved all kinds of music.

My father is 49 years old He loved to play with his cousins in the weekends normally He went to the beach the weekends that He didn’t see his cousins. He used to wear a t-shirt and pants. In the school his favorite subject was math He liked to play queimada . He liked to climb things and build too.
He loved to watch films and He liked rock music.

my english blog- Ana Luiza nº2

Hi my name is Ana Luiza and now I will talk about my parents’ teenage years.
My mother is 40 years old.
In her free time she played with her cousins. She watched Xuxa and she loved soap opera. My mom played volleyball and tennis. At the 70’s my mom traveled to a lot of places. She listened U2, Elton John, A-Ha...
She wore many dresses, shorts and t-shirts. Her favorite movies were “Gone with the wind” and “Saturday night fever”
My mom also liked many actors like John Travolta and Johnny Depp. As her favorite color, it was green. Her favorite animal was a dog, and she loved dance.
Ana Luiza nº2 7ºG

My Parents' Teenage Years - Rebecca Petrone nº28 7ºanoG

Hi, I’m Rebecca and I will tell about my parents teenage years.

Since they were born, a lot of things changed in the world, here in Brazil, they was on 70’s when my parents were teens, they lived on the “Golden Years” . The rock music was on top 10 in all radios around the world, and new bands were created.

My dad said that was really good live in these years, because in Brazil was having the military dictatorship, and all the young people were having fun and fought to freedom of expression.
In their free time, my mom told me that she would dance in the Disco Club, but in the school has the Homecoming every end of year, and the “couples” danced together. She told that probably, met my father before her 24 years, but if this happened she didn’t sure.

Only my dad had TV, but with streets plays, he and my uncle Silvio, hadn’t time to watch. They spent a lot of time playing with their friends.
My mother said that always wished a TV but after she think how she and my aunt would had time to watch if they like play on the streets with “Amarelinha”, “Taco”, “Bolinha de Gude” and others plays that my father play too.
Even without TV, they watched movies and soap opera on their friends house. My mother like really much Richard Geer, and my father love Olivia Newton-John, the both watch John Travolta’s films.

They listened MPB, Bossa Nova, Roberto Carlos, Erasmo Carlos, Rita Lee and etc.
Well this is it, my parents teenage years.



My Parents' Teenage Years - Gabriel Paiva n°13

My Parents’ teenage years
In my parents’ teenage years they used to play a lot of games on the streets. My father (Ronaldo) played soccer, button soccer. My mother (Yara) played “Amarelinha”, my mother used to play soccer with her friends too, she was the goalkeeper. My dad was the goalkeeper too. They used to wear normal clothes, my dad didn’t have too much money so every weekend he wore the same clothes but in normal days he wore school clothes. My mom, in normal days wore school clothes too, but on the weekend she went to the restaurants very well-dressed to find a boyfriend. They liked going to school, but my dad started to work at sixteen, but after he made a college and now, with fifty years old, he loves being a project manager, his job. My mother now, with fifty one years old, works at the mayor’s office, she is a lawyer. Now, they listen to Blues Brothers, Queen, Aerosmith, Supertramp, Pink Floyd, and U2.

my parents' teenage years-renata 29

My name is Renata and I’ll tell about my parent’s teenage years.
My mother Maria Cecilia is 42 years old and my father Renato is 44 years old .My mother in her free time liked read a book and played piano but my father played football ,they loved watch “man from atlantis” . My mother didn’t play sport ,and my father loved play football . In the weekend they didn’t travel my mother played piano and my father played football, my mother listed u2 and my father listed brazilian music,my mother liked Sean Connery, my father liked eat the food of his mother and my mom liked eat pizza.

My parent`s teenagers years Vitor Cruz nº34

The teenagers years of my father

My father is 55 years old. His name is Ricardo Andrade Thomaz da Cruz. When He was in the teenager’s years, his spent the free time riding a bike, running and playing others sports, his favorite sports was athleticsIn the weekend, He praticed exercices that like. He watches TV too, especially movies (scientific fiction and others) and scientific fiction program.

He usually wore t-shirts and jeans, sometimes shorts or jacket. When he traveled, with his family, he goes to the beach. He loves the sea!
In his teenager, the most popular band of the world was The Beatles. He likes Beatles, but he likes others bands to: The Beatles, Pink Floyd, New Order, Queen and others bands of “New Age”.

The teenagers years of my mother

My mother is years old. His name is Conceição Thomaz da Cruz. When She was in the teenager’s years, his spent the free time go out with her friends. Her favorite sports was handball and volley. In the weekend she liked go out with her family. She watches TV too, especially movies (drama, romance and adventure) and othres telecast of auditorium. She usually wore dress, sometimes skirt and t-shirt. She didn’t traveled so much, but she loves the beach.
In his teenager, the most popular band of the world was The Beatles. She likes MPB (Brazilian Popular Music). Especially Nara Leão, Vinícius de Moraes, Chico Buarque, Taiguara and others.

My parents' teenage years - Rafael Barros N°26

I’m Rafael and I’m going to talk about my parents.
My mother is 42 years old.
In her free time she met with her friends. Her favorite program was Sítio do Pica-Pau-Amarelo. My mother liked to play volleyball and she played soccer with her brothers. She didn’t travel.
My mother liked a famous band, The Beatles. Her like to wear a T-shirt and a pants, she watched a comedy movies. She liked John Travolta

My father is 44 years old.
In his free time he played sports with his friends. He has a black and white TV and liked to watch Sítio do Pica-Pau-Amarelo too.
My father loved volleyball, and didn’t like to play soccer, his favorite band was The Beatles, Paralamas do Sucesso and Queen. He liked to wear T-shirt and jeans.
He traveled a lot and her favorite actor was Harrison Ford, he was the Indiana Jones. He watched a actions and adventures movies.

Rafael Barros N°26 7°G

My parents' teenage years - Nathalia 23

Hi, my name is Nathalia.

My mother is 40 and my father is 55 years old. In their teenage years, they didn’t like the same things because my mom was born in 70s and my dad in 50s.
She liked Madonna and Michael Jackson, mainly the songs Holiday and Thriller, she went to the dance in club.
She liked to watch the movie Ghost. Her favorite actors were Judy Foster and Richard Geri.
In her free time, she went to her friend’s house and she played volleyball, she had to help her mother to do domestic chores, like cleaned the house and cooked, because she didn’t work.
My father liked the movie Mazaropi, and the actors Glória Menezes, John Weine and Elizabeth Taylor. He liked the singers Vanderléia, Paulo Sérgio and Roberto Carlos.
In his free time, he played soccer and flew a kite. He worked and helped his mother to do the domestic chores like washed up too.

My parent 's teenage years - Fernanda Q. Cotarelli n° 11

My mother Carmen she is 48 years old .She loved watch sop pop, and walk to park. My mom didn’t like sports but she likes went to cinema and friend’s house .She loved listen country music. Carmen wear a dress .She loved romantic histories .Her idol is Elves Presley .She loved went to beach on vacation .Carmen like rice and bean .She studied in Brasilio Machado.

My dad Fernando is 49 years old .In your free time he played soccer ,watch action and comedy movies .He listened rock music .He dress paints jeans .He loved action movies .He like Renato Aragão (didi).In vacation he went to the beach. Your favorite food is pizza and hamburgers .He studies in Rei Blon.Fernanda Quiroga Cotarelli N°11 7°g

My parents´ teenage years- Raquel n°27

My mother is 42 years old and my father is 39 years . In their free time my mom liked to read books and my father liked to rest.
My mom liked to listen to music arábe, pop and Bolero.My dad liked jazz and Pop years 80.My mother watched many movies particular terror and comedy and my dad liked adventury and action.My mother watched many tv ,she watched Warner , Fox , Sony and Sony Spein, my dad watched Globo, Discovery and Sport Tv.My mother pratice sports, she does dance Belly Dance and my father play golf.My parents in the weekend go on the shopping and they don´t travel.My mother usally wear sports closes, and my dad usally socialy closes.My mother love the actor Juliana Paes and Fred Asther.And my dad liked Jack Chan.
Raquel.. n°27 7g

My parents' teenage years- Isabella Oliveira nº18

Hi, my name is Isabella and I going talk about my parents: Luciana and Darcio. My mother have 40 years old, she liked rock’n’roll and MPB. She went out with her friends. She watched soap operas, movies and TV series. My mother liked handball and volleyball. She went to the movie, shopping and traveled to the beach with her friends. My mother liked comedy, adventures and drama movies. She wore t-shirt, jeans and snearkers. She liked Tom Cruise, Thomas Howell, Patrick Swayze, John Travolta...My mother liked to Demi Moore, Michelle Pfeiffer and Olivia Newton John. She studied at Mater dei.

My dad have 40 years old, he liked rock’n’roll and MPB. He played guitar. He watched soccer matches and movies. My dad liked handball and soccer. He went to the beach and movie theater. My dad liked adventure and thriller movies. He wore t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. He liked Paul Newman, Robert Radford , Clint Eastwood and John Travolta. He Liked Daryl Hannah, Demi Moore, Julie Anders and Olivia Newton John My dad studied at XII de outubro. Isabella nº18 7ºG

My Parents' Teenage Years- Ana Beatriz nº1

My parents' teenage years
Monday, October 17th, 2011

Hi! My name is Ana Beatriz and I’m 12 years old, and now I will talk about my parents’ teenage years.
Now, my mom Claudia is 42 years old. And my daddy Mauro is 43 years old. And in their teenage years many things were different.
In my mother’s free time she did Olympic Gymnastics and she met her friends, she loved this. The times were different, but they had televisions, my mom liked a lot “Sitio do Picapau Amarelo”, she usually watched this. My mom did Olympic Gym and played Volleyball for a long, long time. On the weekend she liked to go to the club, and went to a beach near her city, called Salinas. My mom liked to listen U2 and she usually wore a T-Shirt and a shorts or a skirt, like today. She liked to watch movies like Grease and she loved John Travolta. She always went to school by car, and she had a dog called Kika.
In my dad’s free time, usually he played soccer and he went to the beach with his friends. There weren’t many channels in TV, so he watched cartoons and films in “Rede Globo”. He was very sporting, he played soccer, basketball, volleyball and ping pong. On the weekend he went to the club or traveled to Mosqueiro. He listened to Brazilian bands like “Legião Urbana” and “Ultraje a Rigor”. He usually wore a T-shirt and shorts. His favorite films were Ben Hur and Elcid, and he thought Richard Burton was a good actor. He went to school by a different form: by bike! When he was a teenager he had a lot of animals like cats, dogs, birds, monkeys and others exotic animals. His favorite drinks were “acerola” juice and mango juice very common in his city.
Ana Beatriz nº1 7ºG

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

My parents' teenage years

My parents liked the 70’s.
Hi, my name is Luisa.
I’m going to tell you about my parents teenage years.My mother is 42 years old and my father is 46. My mother liked to dance in dance club, and my father liked to listen music.Her favorite film was Titanic…I like, but I think is so old!My father has four brothers, so he played with them a lot.
My mom liked to watch fims in cinema, but my dad liked to watch old bang-bang films…My mom and my dad didn’t work at this time.They went at many disco parties and they enjoyed…They liked to dance and enjoy parties.

Luisa Rey7ºGNº 21

My parents' teenage years

Hi, my name is Maria Carolina.
My mother is 36 years old, and my father is 49 years old. In their teenage years, my mother liked to dance and my father played football. In the free time they liked to read a book and watch TV.
My father liked Elvis and my mother liked Madona. They liked to watch films in the cinema. They didn’t work. They liked Brad Pitt and Nicholas Cage. They liked to dance in club.
My mother is administrator and my dad is an engineer.

By: Maria Carolina 22 7ºG